The Great Cycle Challenge is a national SickKids Foundation fundraising initiative held throughout August. Started in 2016, and after just 7 years, the event has grown to become one of the biggest cycling events across Canada. People of all ages and abilities, and from every province across the country set themselves a personal riding goal and challenge themselves to pedal throughout August to fight kids’ cancer.
In 7 years, a community of riders from all 13 provinces and territories have ridden a total of 20,179,047 kilometres, and together have raised $39,125,144 in support of research to develop treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer.
Why? Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in Canada. Over 1,700 Canadian children are diagnosed with cancer every year.
WillowWood staff, students, and parents rode 1123 KM and raised $6546 to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve and to help kick cancer’s butt! Our riders finished first in fundraising and third in kilometres ridden amongst educational institutions participating in the event.
Special thanks to Adlen G, Dominic W, Gwen R, Mattia G, Michael A, Nathan B, Regina H, and Walid D, for riding with the Road Warrior squad.
