We guide High School students through the vital and complicated teen years and keep them safe as they transform from fledgling Grade 9's to confident and powerful graduates.
High School
In high school, the focus is on the completion of courses towards earning an Ontario Secondary School Diploma and gaining entry to a prestigious Canadian university or college. WillowWood graduates typically attend top-tier institutions including the University of Toronto, McGill University, and Queen’s University and our post-secondary acceptance rate is over 95 percent.
The Guidance Team helps students navigate their academic lives by helping them choose courses in high school that will help them gain entry to the post-secondary program of their choice. Our counselors also support students with all aspects of their university/college applications, such as essay writing and interview prep, and help them apply for scholarships.
We offer various supports to help students manage skill gaps, and/or to develop the executive skills needed for post-secondary learning. Students develop leadership skills and the knowledge and confidence for active self-advocacy. Mindfulness training and improving resiliency are also important components of the high school experience at WillowWood.

WillowWood students can also take advantage of various learning and volunteer opportunities such as Cooperative Education programs, career and postsecondary fairs, and mentorship programs. There are numerous extracurricular activities at WillowWood, including an annual play, a winter musical, over 20 sports are offered through inter-school competitions and intramurals. A club fair introduces interest-based activities that students can join, such as Robotics, Chess, Meditation, Gardening, Math, Film, Cartooning, Gaming etc.) Following a hugely successful trip to Japan in March 2023, further foreign travel is planned and regions such as Europe, Central America, and Asia will be offered on a rotation.