WillowWood’s culture has a long connection with the values of social involvement, good citizenship and love. We have a long history of community involvement and cultural sharing.
Community Involvement
Students seeking to complete the 40-hour volunteer requirement for their Ontario Secondary School Diploma can do so in their home communities or through the school and our neighbours and partners, independently or with support from Guidance.
Students also move into the local community via High School Coop placements and community events such as our annual friendly Battle of Scarsdale Softball Tournament.
When having lunch at the plaza with friends or using local parks for team practices, WillowWood students strive to demonstrate thoughtfulness and care.

Philanthropy and Social Activism

WillowWood’s community is generous and involved. The RAP program offers students opportunities to learn about and help with food security and poverty, animal welfare, environmentalism and human rights.
WillowWood teachers stay current with developing situations and manage the issues and emotions of our modern age.
Students are taught a holistic view of the world, the people, and other living things on it.
Our philanthropy has been central to our culture for decades: our annual SHOP program has raised many thousands for Juliette’s Place, a shelter for families fleeing abuse. Pennies for Pets developed alongside, to help the animals in those families as well.
The Lower School has a long relationship with Project GiveBack which encourages students to learn about, teach about and fundraise for a cause of their choice. WillowWood’s Student Council always donate a portion of funds to charities the members choose.

WillowWood is committed to Environmentalism and the Globe. Inspired by Greta Thunberg, WillowWood students formed a Climate Change Action Committee to advocate and fundraise for changes in our building, they are currently working towards a green and sustainable Cafeteria.
And our leaders are onboard fully: in summer 2020, WillowWood installed solar panels – enough to cover our own footprint, plus some!
Travel and Exploration
Field trips and Practical experiences are key to developing a sense of the world, and we endeavour to offer opportunities whenever possible. WillowWood has offered Travel Programs to students Middle School age and up, and we’ve visited Outdoor Ed Centres, Algonquin Park, Ottawa and Quebec, Costa Rica, Europe and China.
More locally, we ensure students are familiar with Toronto by exploring it. Various classes take trips all over the GTA and the areas around it: Kensington and St Lawrence Market, Markham Theatre, Canada’s Wonderland, the CN Tower and Skydome, local Humane Societies, partner schools, the Science Centre, the TIFF Lightbox, Toronto Universities and Colleges, and more.