10 Reasons to Choose Us
Limitless Learning
We begin by assuming success is achievable, that limitations are largely conceptual, and that we can and will find the key to unlocking success for each student. We treat barriers as hurdles and teach children to jump.
Our Pod System and coordinated cross-level schedule allows for all learners to get the teaching they require, regardless of age/grade. Academic supports are numerous and specific-skill instruction is available for at all ages and levels.
Individualized Teaching
Personalized Education
We are a family-style school where friendly and genuine interactions happen between students and teachers, issues are dealt with directly, and children feel seen and known. As a result, there is a remarkable lack of clique-competition and little bullying.
We offer cross-curricular programs and projects that allow students to freely explore a range of ideas and skills, and work with students from across the school. Projects include elements of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.
STEAM Programs
Qualified Teachers
WillowWood teachers are qualified Ontario teachers who engage in regular skill development and training. Many of our teachers and staff have been with us multiple decades, and the open culture of the school allows new teachers to seek and use mentors.
Classes at WillowWood are usually fewer than 16 students and students spend much of their time in even smaller groups. Classroom atmospheres are warm and the pedagogical approach is holistic.
Low Pupil
to Teacher Ratio
WillowWood engages with the goals students set for themselves and helps them achieve them. WillowWood sends students off to meet their futures with confidence, whether that be University, College, Apprenticeships or Work.
We do not rank futures – we meet them.
WillowWood students are encouraged to engage with the world – whether that be through philanthropy, civic action, travel, consciousness raising, or via visits from guests – as positive contributors to society.
Values Education
We help students find and explore their passions, over time, through engagement with clubs, teams, mentorships, and community.
Students at WillowWood do not slip through the cracks, nor do they feel invisible. Everybody has something to offer: we offer the chance to shine.

WillowWood has been working for students for more than 40 years. While times change, our core values have not: all students have a right to learn with dignity; a warm and nurturing school can serve as a foundation for remarkable lives; it is the whole person who matters.